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Safer Internet Day

Tuesday February 10th was the international Safer Internet Day. We decided to use half of our day towards this and some of the classes at Os vgs joined us for this session.

Before we started the assembly we had a Skype meeting with the Greek school and we shared what we had done. We also tried to have a Skype meeting with the Polish school, but because of technical difficulties we could not hear the Polish group.

During the assembly we discussed how we can make our internet use safer and why our digital footprints are important. This years slogan was "Let's create a better internet together".

After the assembly the students were divided into group and given some different scenarios where they met challenges in relation to internet use. They had to ry and come up with solutions or endings to the different scenarios.

All of the materials used this day was retreived from www.saferinternetday.org.uk


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