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Health matters related to internet use: Articles (14)

Computer stretch exercise

After the meeting in Norway, the school nurse and the health team held lectures and taught “ the  Computer exercise stretch” to students and staff at the Fridagymnasiet. The health theme in connection to the daily use of computers were stressed during many lessons and expecially during the PE- Physical Education lessons. At the Fridagymnasiet we focus on exercise to get a healthy balance between the online school work on the computer  and working out or doing physical exercise. iPads and Mobile phones are used for scavenger hunts and orienteering in the surrounding nature so the computers and being online is also used during PE.


Use the Internet in a safe way

On Thursday 26th March 2015, students from LO Grojec gave a presentation about SIFA project to students from middle schools in the Grojec region. Together with their teachers, the students from a few other schools were invited to visit LO Grojec to learn more about its participation in international projects. The presentation was supported by a talk about the tasks and activities done during the SIFA project. The students who have already attended exchange visits as well as other students taking an active part in the project, presented the main idea of the project, its objectives as well as results. We hope that the main message: ‘Use the Internet in a safe way’, will be spread to the wider audience.



Dissemination activity in LO Grojec

As a follow-up to the project activities LO Grojec has taken another step to disseminate SIFA project results. This time we hosted a group of students from another senior high school in the district - ZSP Jasieniec. They were informed about the main objectives of the project as well as the tasks and activities that have been performed so far. After a talk and a short presentation, the guest students had a chance to talk to the project participants individually, sharing ideas and experiences. We sincerely believe they will follow our steps and deepen their knowledge on e-safety.


Swedish reflections about the meeting in Os, Norway

The meeting in Norway is a very good example for how international cooperation between different countries and schools can look like and how this can be a important step in students and teachers personal development. That includes both topic related aspects like addiction and health as well as important cultural exchanges. 

The program in Norway included a couple of activities which were related to the topic of the meeting - health. That in connection with an introduction to the norwegian culture gave us an extraordinary picture of what it means to cope with internet related health problems from different perspectives. 

Even if the swedish and the norwegian school systems are quite similar the swedish team could find some interesting differences in how both countries work with specific educational questions. Especially the use of computers in daily school life was an interesting aspect to talk about. The opportunity to present our thoughts about ICT to norwegian teachers and to learn more about the norwegian way of dealing with these questions was a very good way for exchanging thoughts and ideas. 

We would like to say thank you for the perfect organization in Norway and the opportunities to learn more about our neighbour in the west. Now we are looking forward to welcome you all in Sweden in April!

Rickard & Fabian


Safer Internet Day in Poland

On 10th February pupils of the secondary school in Grójec took part in workshops organized by the High School of Information Technology in Warsaw. The aim of these workshops was to emphasise how and why to respect the privacy of internet users.

During on-line lecture (by Marta Różycka and Zuzanna Polak) various problems connected with internet safety were raised, such as the multiplicity of personal information on the net and the lack of awareness about the possible dangers while using the net.

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For pupils especially important seemed to be the information about the of posting different data on the net, setting the accounts and safety procedures while using different websites.

After the workshops students willingly did on-line tests and got the certificates of attendance in these workshops.

The initiative to organize the Safer Internet Day in our school has also been reported to the Polish Safer Internet Centre (www.saferinternet.pl).


Dissemination Activities - Norway meeting - 2nd Lyceum of Kos

Informing 2nd Lyceum of Kos Teachers’ board about the meeting in Norway and the visit to OSVIDEREGÅENDE SKOLE, in the context of ERASMUS+ SIFA (Safe Internet For All)

On Friday 20 February the Greek team who visited Os in Norway presented highlights of the meeting in Norway in the context of the project SIFA (Safe Internet For All) ERASMUS+.

The teachers of 2nd Lyceum of Kos were informed about the journey, the activities and the workshops of the program, accommodation conditions, the partners’ schools, the educational system of Norway, how ICT is integrated in teaching in Norwegian schools and last but not least the results and the conclusions of the meeting.

The meeting in Os focused on health problems that are related to excessive use of internet. We believe that useful workshops and experts’ lectures gave the opportunity to both students and teachers to broaden their knowledge and to raise their awareness about the specific subject.

In the same time they had the opportunity to gain knowledge of different cultural practices and world views, developing positive attitudes towards cultural differences. Through respectful and reciprocal relationships they developed skills for communication and interaction across cultures.




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